Don’t wait until the last minute to decide what holiday sale you will be running and promoting in an attempt to maximize your holiday sales this year! Planning ahead, although we know it can be tough to get ahead of anything in business these days, allows you to increase your…
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The definition of conversion is the point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs the desired action. Having someone click the link on a Facebook Ad is a conversion. A lead opening an e-mail newsletter is a conversion. A customer buying a product from your website is a…
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A lead is any person who displays interest in buying a product or service from your business. Whether they read a blog on your website or sign up for your monthly newsletter, anyone who shows interest in your business could be considered a lead. As a business, you want to…
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2020 had a crazy impact on all of our businesses. Whether it be skyrocketed sales or a big loss of clients and shoppers, we’ve all felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our economy. Lockdown after lockdown, businesses have felt the sting of being forced to close their doors.…
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When it comes to getting in the mindset of your customers, you must think like a customer. When was the last time you simply walked into a business or shopped online for something without doing any prior research or knowing what that business was? Your answer is probably never or…
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