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You know the importance of creating a lead generation plan to attract your key customers but, what happens to your customers after they buy a product or service from you? What’s the next step for them? YOUR next step is to think about and strategically create a POST lead generation plan so your customers continue to buy your product or service for years to come. It isn’t as easy as “Oh, they love my product or service and will buy again”. You have to nurture your customers so they turn into repeat, loyal customers for years to come.

If you want to think about it as an analogy (and you know we love a good analogy) when you grow a plant, you don’t just stop watering it once it blooms. You continue to take care of it by giving it water and nutrients so it stays alive for well, as long as possible. In relation to your business you could ask yourself what “nutrients” should you be giving your customers to ensure their buying relationship stays alive?

These are a few ideas to get your post lead generation plan started and if you want to brainstorm more, we’re always just a phone call away when you need us!

#1: Follow up with personalized emails

Once you’ve collected a lead’s email address, send them a personalized email thanking them for their interest in your business and offering them additional information about your products or services. Be sure to customize the email based on the information you have about the lead, such as their industry or specific needs.

#2: Show off your expertise so your customers come to you for advice.

Use your blog, social media, or email marketing as a vehicle to distribute valuable educational content to your followers regularly. This could be in the form of e-books, webinars, or how-to guides. By providing value, you position yourself as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with your customers and followers.

For example, if you sold your customer a new cleaning product, give them tips and tricks on how to use it. Spark a little imagination with out of the box ideas they might not have thought of before in terms of how and where they could use it.

Or if your customer booked an oil change at your mechanic shop, provide them with tips and tricks to keep their engine running smoothly like showing them how to check the oil level in a quick video.

Your customers want to know they are in good hands and that a relationship with you benefits them – even after they’ve made their purchase.

#3: Hold a webinar, seminar, or event related to your industry as a continuing education offer

This is a great way to establish a list of potential customers so they learn more about your business as a whole, not just your product or service. Holding a webinar or seminar will showcase your expertise and get your name out there. Or perhaps a more casual friends and family event like a community BBQ for your customers would be a great way to thank your customers, and showcase your business in a very positive light. When they are ready to hire or buy your products again, you’ll be the first they remember.

PRO-TIP: Be sure to promote the event through a email blast, social media campaign, and your website to maximize attendance.

#4: Send an email with discounts, special offers, or coupons to encourage their next purchase

Who doesn’t like a good deal? The most effective strategies for email marketing campaigns are subscriber segmentation (78%), message personalization (72%), and email automation campaigns (71%). Your customer is very likely to find the invite enticing and will purchase your product or sign up for your service again with not much more than a reminder offer. Even a Christmas card or happy birthday email go a long way.

PRO-TIP: The most effective email subject lines engage curiosity, include promotional offers, and are personalized to each recipient’s interests. Keep them short though. Subject lines that are 3-4 words have higher open rates.

#5: Create a referral program

If a customer buys and likes your product it’s very likely they know someone like that that will also know and like your product. When you create a referral program where both the existing customer and new customer receive a kickback for using your service or buying your product everybody wins. Maybe they save $5.00, maybe they get free shipping, maybe they save 10% off. Whatever your deal is, make it worthwhile for them to share with their audience and your customer base will grow long term.

#6: Offer free audits or check-ins

By offering your existing customer a free check-in or audit to see how you might help them better use the tool or service you sold them you not only nurture that relationship but, you give yourself an opportunity to sell them more. If they are hesitant about buying your product or service again, they can provide you feedback on what’s holding them back so that you can remove that hurdle from their buying process.

PRO-TIP: Customer feedback is the best way to discover that needs to be optimized in your business and your buying experience. The more objections and obstructions you remove from the process the more sales you will get. It’s a no brainer.

#7: Create a loyalty program

Determine what rewards you will offer to customers who participate in the loyalty program so that they make sense for your business but, also for your customer. Rewards could include discounts on future purchases, free products or services, or exclusive access to new products or services before they are released. There are also several types of loyalty program models to consider, including points-based systems, a tiered approach, and even cashback plans.

A loyalty program keeps your customers engaged most when you send them personalized offers and exclusive promotions through email or text message.

PRO-TIP: Use the customer data you have to tailor these offers to individual customers based on their past purchases and behaviors AND to create new products or service they are more likely to buy in future.

#8: Remind them when it’s time to renew or when they are likely to need a new product.

We all need reminders in life. A reminder to buy a product before they run out will create a steady revenue stream if you make it a part of your automated system. It’s like the dentist. You likely wouldn’t make a call for an appointment unless your tooth hurt but, the dentist knows regular check ups are preventative to bigger issues. To ensure they see you regularly they call you to book an appointment if they haven’t seen you in a while OR they book your next appointment before you leave.

FEELING STUCK? Call 3SIXTY Marketing Solutions to help you create a post-lead generation plan to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table
By nurturing your customers with a post lead generation campaign you will see sales start to add up to more each and every year in advance IF you are consistent in executing that plan. And, when you plan for success and put the right systems in place you can selling consistently without having to be “ON” 24/7 as a sales person. Your marketing campaign will do the selling for you if you let it!

With the right marketing strategies and tools in place, you can effectively engage with your leads, customers, and followers to ensure your business continues to grow. But, we know there are only so many hours in the day and so many hands on deck to do the work so if you feel stuck…or you want to create a plan like this but, don’t seem to have the time, give us a call at 647-250-1494 (Toronto), or 705-242-8964 (Barrie), or sign up for a free no-obligation consultation on our website. We’ll ask about your business, your goals, where you want to grow, and then we’ll help you create a marketing strategy that works for you specifically. BUT, it’s on you to make that call.

Source: HubSpot Blog Research, 2021